Thursday, September 10, 2009

Blog Carnival - Brag on Yourself

As a new member of the EtsyBloggers Team, I feel that I jumped in just in time for a difficult Blog Carnival topic. Brag on Yourself. What are You Most Proud of in Your Life? Brag on myself? Yikes.

I found myself staring at the ceiling the other night, trying to fall asleep, pondering this question. There are countless things I'm proud of.

•My children play nicely together more than they fight.
•I make seriously awesome dark chocolate cookies with white chocolate chips (I am willing to share the recipe).
•I actually harvested radishes this year before I got bored of my garden and found better things to occupy my time.

So what am I most proud of? Everything. There is no momentous achievement that overshadows the rest. My world is a collage of seemingly tiny moments. Little insignificant details, that when spun together, make the beautiful tapestry that is what I am proud to call my life.


  1. I like that- all the great little moments woven together. Lovely post!

    And you should definitely post your cookie recipe here someday. :D

  2. The tapestry of your life sounds beautiful. Thanks for taking part in the blog carnival.

    PS I would love to have that recipe.

  3. I love the poetry of your last 2 sentences. beautiful! And seriously, share that recipe!
    PS When you do, be sure to let us know in the etsy bloggers' weekly forum thread.
